I have encountered many storms, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and all three, depending, have been scary, yet there’s the spiritual storm that’s peaceful and serene. When I say that I have been through a spiritual storm, those were the battles of warfare, and they are indeed real folks. Amid all this though, I have learned that the stronger the storms the deeper the roots. Going through storms and surviving, only to come out on the other side unhurt and unharmed, leaves you stronger. If you have faced hard times in your life, abuse, been abandoned, felt hopeless and alone, or couldn’t figure out your left from your right, then you were in the middle of a storm. God said in John 14:27(NIV), “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This kind of peace that God speaks of is irrespective of whatever situation you find yourself in, because God quenches your every trouble, and He ensures that your storm is calmed. Does this mean another storm will never arise? No, but when it does, God is saying that the deeper your roots are in Him, you will forever be prepared when it does come.
He has given us the blueprint to counter any attack from a storm, to guard our Spirit, and to protect ourselves. It’s called the Bible, and in it is His words full of wisdom, courage, knowledge, faith, and truth. It doesn’t matter the storm you’re facing or going through; God’s blueprint holds the key to showing us how to defeat the mighty enemy that constantly blows our way. Our storms make us stronger by showing us how to hold on and continue in standing still and walking tall, with our feet planted firmly to the ground and our faith rooted more deeply in Jesus. Psalm 34:4 (NIV) says, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” I can testify that when I was going through my storms of severe depression, having suicidal thoughts, feeling unloved, angry, bitter, full of hatred, hurt, and being dealt my own abuse (physical, verbal, and mental) that I was truly in a dark place, but every time I read this scripture, it dug me a little at a time out of my pit, until finally, God whispered, “Reach up and take my hand child; trust me.” And I did, with everything in me, and I felt my storm that had been brewing on the inside of me and waiting to erupt, cease from causing me any more pain, any more turmoil, and it was dissipated. Left in its wake was a calmness, a humbleness, with the promise of being left well and whole. That was the day I decided to deepen my roots. Am I saying that I didn’t face anymore storms, by no means am I saying that, because I still faced them every day after, and I still face them today, but what I am saying is this, like me, if you deepen your roots getting to know the Bible (your Blueprint), fast, pray, meditate, connect with the right people, and find a good church home, you too can find all the right ways, tools, and resources to battle and win your storms. But don’t just battle and win them, deepen your roots in Jesus, so when the next storm blows your way, you can stand still and not be swayed, you can become bent, but never fully broken, and you may even get told you’re lucky, but truthfully, you’re blessed.
No one can ever really know the storm(s) you have been through but you and God alone unless you speak on it. Sometimes, if you want to truly be set free, wholly, and completely, you must let go of EVERYTHING. Not just some things, but everything, all of it, get rid of that residue on the inside of you. When you tell your testimony, you aren’t just committing to setting yourself free from allowing the devil to still have a hold on you, but by sharing your testimony, you’re also helping others and saving souls, believe it or not, who if, they see you having the courage to do so, may also feel compelled to share their testimony. This is needed with everything that’s going on in the world folks. We have got to take a stand and start somewhere. 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV) says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This verse tells us that God will receive from us our worries and care about them. He can be trusted to handle them in a way that is best because it’s not God’s will for us to live under these circumstances. Therefore, the stronger the storms the deeper the roots, and who better to strengthen our foundation and our roots than God? Amen. Until next time folks, stay blessed!!
Important Notice:
If you are looking for a church home, please come out to visit us at:
St. Mary United Holiness Church
547 Seminary St. Kenansville, NC 28349
Services are offered every Sunday. 10:15 a.m. Sunday school and 11 a.m. Sunday morning service. Come on out and join us for a high time in the Lord. What can be better than selling out for Jesus?