N.C. Pickle Festival co-chair Julie Beck shows off the T-shirts festival volunteers will receive. Festival organizers are about 10 percent of the way to their goal of 100 volunteers. Visit https://forms.gle/PAuP3RCkRjSaxtT7A to sign up as a volunteer (Steve Herring|mountolivetribune.com)
Needed: North Carolina Pickle Festival volunteers to have fun and to help others enjoy the award-winning festival.
“Right now we are 10 percent of the way to our goal of 100 volunteers,” said Nicole Reynolds, volunteer chairman. “Volunteers must be 16 years old, and we are ready to provide whatever documentation they may need for volunteer hours (requirements).”
Coordinated by the North Carolina Pickle Festival, Inc. in partnership with the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce, the 37th annual N.C. Pickle Festival will be held from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, April 28, and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 29, in downtown Mount Olive.
Most volunteers fill three-hour time slots that start and stop at different times running from Friday for set up and the 5K race to the Saturday break down, Reynolds said.
Visit https://forms.gle/PAuP3RCkRjSaxtT7A or scan the QR code on the photo accompanying this article to go to the volunteer sign-up page. A link to page also will be added to the Pickle Festival website, picklefest.org.
“We believe the volunteer positions will be fun,” Reynolds said. “So we’re telling volunteers it’s going to be a fun day to come out. Volunteers are needed to help with the Water Wars, the Pickle Eating Contest, the Mascot Races, handicap parking, the Selfie Pickle Station and to be runners.
“We also need people as greeters to meet people parking, put them on the shuttle and tell them where to go and what’s happening.”
There are various activities volunteers are needed for on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So it can either be actually manning an activity or helping set up take down, she added.
The biggest need for volunteers will be on Saturday, April 29, the festival’s main day, starting about 10 a.m.
“Please check the day and time slots, one or more (on the form), that is best for you,” Reynolds said. “We need you to complete this form so we can best match you with preferred volunteer activities and time slots the weekend of the festival.
“Keep in mind that the time slots you select will require you to arrive at the volunteer booth at the train depot 30 minutes prior to the activity so we can provide you with additional information/directions as well as a volunteer T-shirt.”
Potential volunteers also can provide a first, second and third choice of times. They should check up to four activities or areas that interest them as a volunteer.
“We’re also interested in knowing what activities you’re most interested in, but we can’t guarantee that, but we’re trying to accommodate people with what they’re interested in,” Reynolds said.
Volunteers are need for:
• Pickle Train assistant (help children get in and out of the train).
• Ollie Q. Cumber escort (escort festival mascot as Ollie makes rounds through the festival).
• Festival Volunteer Runner (help wherever is needed on an as-needed basis).
• Mascot Race (supervise race, determine winner, get crowd excited).
• Handicap Parking Lot (ensure only handicap vehicle enter special parking area).
• Pickle Eating Contest (prepare pickle platters, get crowd excited).
• Pickle Packing Production Challenge (time challengers packing pickles; post results).
• Pickle Door (encourage visitors to sign their name and comment on special door).
• Shuttle Stop/Welcome (welcoming committee and anything this entails).
• Water Wars (assist activity by filling balloons and helping participants).
• Butterfly Exhibit (assist leader, help with crowd control).
• Set up (this is a Friday activity, various time slots from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
• Event Break down (help break down festival Saturday from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.).
• Cuke Patch 5K (help with 5K race Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.).