Five students from the University of Mount Olive will participate in the 2023 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU) Ethics Bowl. The competition will take place Feb. 10-11 at the North Carolina Legislative building in Raleigh.
Students from 16 private colleges and universities from across the state will compete.
The theme is Ethics in Contemporary Society. The two-day event will culminate with students competing in semi-final and final rounds on Saturday. UMO’s Ethics Bowl team, sponsored by Mount Olive Pickle Company, is composed of the following members: Kate Carter, Joshua Hernandez, Eric Holland, Loren Marin, and Will Worley.
Carter is a sophomore Business Management major from Laurinburg; Hernandez is a freshman Accounting major from Goldsboro; Holland is a Senior Computer Information Systems major from Seven Springs; Narvaez Marin is a sophomore Business Management major from Coates; and Worley is a dophomore Accounting major from Princeton.
The University of Mount Olive is a private institution rooted in the liberal arts tradition with defining Christian values. The University is sponsored by the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists. For more information, visit