Pictured, from left: Executive Chairman at Mount Olive Pickle Company, Inc. Bill Bryan, Eric Holland, Loren Marin, Kate Carter, Joshua Hernandez, and Earl Worley

Pictured, from left: Executive Chairman at Mount Olive Pickle Company, Inc. Bill Bryan, Eric Holland, Loren Marin, Kate Carter, Joshua Hernandez, and Earl Worley

Five students from the University of Mount Olive will participate in the 2023 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU) Ethics Bowl. The competition will take place Feb. 10-11 at the North Carolina Legislative building in Raleigh.

Students from 16 private colleges and universities from across the state will compete.

The theme is Ethics in Contemporary Society. The two-day event will culminate with students competing in semi-final and final rounds on Saturday. UMO’s Ethics Bowl team, sponsored by Mount Olive Pickle Company, is composed of the following members: Kate Carter, Joshua Hernandez, Eric Holland, Loren Marin, and Will Worley.

Carter is a sophomore Business Management major from Laurinburg; Hernandez is a freshman Accounting major from Goldsboro; Holland is a Senior Computer Information Systems major from Seven Springs; Narvaez Marin is a sophomore Business Management major from Coates; and Worley is a dophomore Accounting major from Princeton.

The University of Mount Olive is a private institution rooted in the liberal arts tradition with defining Christian values. The University is sponsored by the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists. For more information, visit www.umo.edu.