Wayne Community College will host an event Nov. 8 in honor of Veterans Day.

Wayne Community College will host an event Nov. 8 in honor of Veterans Day.

GOLDSBORO — Wayne Community College will hold a ceremony to honor United States military veterans on Nov. 8.

The event will begin at 10 a.m. in Moffatt Auditorium in the Wayne Learning Center (the building with the flag poles in front) on WCC’s main campus in Goldsboro.

WCC President Patty Pfeiffer, who is also a US Army veteran, will be the event’s speaker. She will speak about patriotism, the symbol of the American flag, and the importance of education and job training for veterans.

Pfeiffer served in the US Army as a parachute rigger and airborne paratrooper for six years. Her first duty station was Fort Lewis, Washington, where she supported the 2nd and 75th Infantry Ranger Battalion. Additionally, she was stationed in Taegu, Korea, and Fort Bragg, NC.

During the ceremony, the Armed Forces Medley will be played, recognizing veterans in attendance as they stand for their military branch’s song.

The event is free and open to the public to attend.

Attendees are welcome to visit the Veterans of All Wars Memorial on the north side of campus on Wayne Memorial Drive. Flags will line the walkway to direct visitors to the correct area.

A banner is set up in the Atrium of the Wayne Learning Center for the public to sign in appreciation of veterans.