Carolina Sound, The University of Mount Olive’s acapella group, will perform at Darlington Motor Speedway Sept. 1. (UMO photo)
MOUNT OLIVE — Carolina Sound, the University of Mount Olive’s premier acapella group, is set to perform the National Anthem at the highly anticipated NASCAR Cup Series race at Darlington Motor Speedway on Sunday, Sept. 1. This prestigious opportunity arose after a representative from Darlington Motor Speedway heard the group perform and was captivated by their talent, leading to the invitation for Carolina Sound to sing the anthem.
A unique approach to the National Anthem
Carolina Sound’s rendition of the National Anthem promises to be both respectful and unique. Drawing from a personal experience shared by Director Lester Rector who, along with his wife Holly, recall a pivotal moment in their careers after singing the anthem at a professional sporting event. “After we finished, a player from the home team came over to us and said, ‘Thank you for not making that song about you.’ Of course, that compliment has stuck with me ever since. We never want it to be about us, but about what the anthem stands for and-as-well, what our great nation affords us.”
The group aims to keep the song moving with a focus on unity and patriotism. “The arrangement for Carolina Sound emphasizes unison moments to signify that we are one nation, with a touch of our signature vocal flair at the end,” Rector said.
A monumental experience for UMO students
“Of course, everyone knows NASCAR,” Rector noted. “If there were ever a sporting event that appreciates the National Anthem, it’s NASCAR. Darlington holds 63,000 people, and this is a CUP race. In addition to us singing, there will be a military flyover, so there will be lots of energy. Our students are really excited to represent UMO and our nation on such a stage as this.”
The performance will be a significant exposure opportunity for the students and the University of Mount Olive, nationally showcasing their talents.
Meet Carolina Sound
According to Rector, Carolina Sound serves as a ministry recruitment group with a dual mission: to recruit for Jesus and the University of Mount Olive. “Performing at Darlington Motor Speedway aligns perfectly with this mission, as the group views every event as an opportunity to fulfill our calling. The scripture in Proverbs 18 says, ‘Your gift will make room for you.’ This resonates with our journey and mission,” Rector added.
Now in its fifth year at UMO, the dynamic group has a mix of new and returning members, including both male and female vocalists. The group is known for their ability to learn quickly and deliver captivating performances, embodying the values and expectations of the University.
Upcoming performances and releases
In addition to their Sept. 1 performance at Darlington Motor Speedway, Carolina Sound will make other stops throughout the year as part of their extensive performance schedule. Their lineup includes nine theater shows spanning from North Carolina to Florida and performances at 30-40 high schools. The group plans to release a few new singles and a music video this fall. Their music is available on iTunes. Their videos can be viewed on social media platforms. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements by following them on social media and visiting their website at UMO.edu/carolinasound or www.carolinasound.co.