So, we’re already seven days into the New Year, and already some of you have failed at standing by or keeping your New Year’s resolutions. It’s okay though, I am not here to pass judgment. And truthfully speaking, you should not be beating yourself up about it either. We all fall short in many things, especially God’s glory, but it’s the getting back up that makes you stronger. Last night you went to sleep without praying, without reading your Bible, without talking to God and telling Him what you are “thankful” for, without confessing and repenting of your sins, and without seeking forgiveness, yet, once again, God being the amazing and Great One that He is, still saw fit to breathe life into you today, and give you another chance at getting right what you didn’t yesterday or the day before, in order to do something way more different and out of character in His son’s name. It just begs the question, “With WHAT are you feeding your mind daily?”

Philippians 4:8 (NIV) tells us, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, -if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, -think about such things.” If, the day before, or say, within the last two weeks, you felt that you were just being dealt a “bad hand,” or that things just weren’t going your way, you all of a sudden find yourself angry with God for it, the pastor of your church and your church family, your children, your parents, siblings, your husband/wife, or just any and everybody because in all actuality, you refuse to blame yourself and blaming everyone else around you is just simpler to do. All these folks are responsible for bringing you down, they’re holding you back, because it’s not your nasty attitude and your negative energy, right? You’re ill all the time, unhappy, hard to please, hard to make smile, difficult to deal with, fleeing the room every time a conversation comes up about God and Jesus or someone says, “Let us pray,” and you have turned your back on God, so hurt and angry that you refuse to listen to reason. Those around you, who are lovers of Christ, are only there to help you along the way and ensure that you find your way back to the fold and they do it by way of giving you advice such as telling you to: open your Bible and read, fast, pray, meditate on God’s word, repent, and renew your mind. Did you catch this last one? Let me repeat it, “Renew your mind?” Well, first off, why is It important to renew your mind? I’ll tell you why. It’s important to renew your mind because what you feed into your mind will either eat you up or fill you up, meaning, you’re either going to completely go empty because you’re allowing your light to be dimmed to the darkness or you’re going to feed your soul (spiritually) and strengthen your resolve, chase the dark away in order for the light to shine and come forth and come through, radiant upon you as Jesus intended.

You want your mind to be fed with healthy thoughts, not the lies that Satan tries to weave into our world. Satan will tell you that you are depressed, worried, full of anxiety, alone, unloved, weak, and might be better off ending your life, but lies, ALL LIES, he’s a deceiver, this is what he does, these words are not of God, these kinds of thoughts that fill your mind. Don’t believe Satan when you hear, “There’s no way of escaping any of these emotions,” especially in a world that’s already chaotic, unstable, stressful, and full of evil. There is a way of escape. Jesus said that He is, “The way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV). When you start day, immediately chase Satan and his minions away with a shout of praise and thanks to our God and Jesus. Turn your TV on to your favorite Gospel song, not the music of the world, but something inspirational, encouraging, something that will get you going and keep you motivated, that’ll be positive and uplifting and not negative and depressing, read your favorite scripture and meditate on it throughout the day, find you a prayer partner to call up so you two can start the day together right, especially if you have no one at home to pray with, fast, find other books to read written by motivational and devotional speakers, pastors, bishops, and inspirational leaders.

So again, I ask, with what are you feeding your mind daily? The Bible is our blueprint on how to live a good and righteous life, but it won’t hurt to read other things that quote the Bible, such as, a good fictional Christian story that gives us a character(s) who face every day life issues as we do and that by the end of it, God has shown us how that character(s) navigated, endured, and saw their way through their dilemmas, because come on, who can’t relate to stories such as these? I know that I can. Find yourselves a book of Psalms to read, books written by your favorite YouTube or pastoral leader. I hunger for knowledge and wisdom to fill my mind each day. I see the change in me drastically. I haven’t even watched regular TV (movies) in two weeks because from the moment I wake up, I am hungry to feed my mind with everything Jesus. I am eager to learn, eager to grow, because “Knowing is growing.” Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will” (NIV). What sets your direction is your thoughts and if you want to walk down the path that God has set before you then it is adamant that you feed your mind with the Word of God and not the negative thoughts and whispers that come from the evil one and this world.

No need for you to walk around with your head hung low wondering, “Why are people fleeing from me or hating to be in my presence too long?” It’s obvious. You’re unhappy and miserable. They’re happy and full of joy. They don’t want their light dimmed because yours is. They started their day doing what was right, feeding their mind with the love of God, and you didn’t, therefore, they must separate themselves from you. Light and darkness cannot coexist together. Every help that comes your way, you continuously turn it around. Every offer for prayer, you say no. And when asked where you stand with Jesus, you stated that you haven’t turned your back on Him, but by your actions, haven’t you? Remember this though if you don’t remember nothing else, Jesus has not, and He does not, EVER, turn His back on you, me, or anyone, no matter what it may look like. Feed your mind people, and the body will follow, so will your hearts. Until next time folks, stay blessed, stay safe, and stay prayed up. Am