The University of Mount Olive is bringing a fresh, contemporary twist to its annual Christmas show, formerly known as Christmas by Candlelight. The new event dubbed, Christmas by Spotlight, will feature two performances on Friday, Dec. 1 at the Hazel Waters Assembly Hall located at 207 Wooten St. in Mount Olive.

The University of Mount Olive is bringing a fresh, contemporary twist to its annual Christmas show, formerly known as Christmas by Candlelight. The new event dubbed, Christmas by Spotlight, will feature two performances on Friday, Dec. 1 at the Hazel Waters Assembly Hall located at 207 Wooten St. in Mount Olive.

<p>The University of Mount Olive is bringing a fresh, contemporary twist to its annual Christmas show, formerly known as Christmas by Candlelight. The new event dubbed, Christmas by Spotlight, will feature two performances on Friday, Dec. 1 at the Hazel Waters Assembly Hall located at 207 Wooten St. in Mount Olive.</p>

The University of Mount Olive is bringing a fresh, contemporary twist to its annual Christmas show, formerly known as Christmas by Candlelight. The new event dubbed, Christmas by Spotlight, will feature two performances on Friday, Dec. 1 at the Hazel Waters Assembly Hall located at 207 Wooten St. in Mount Olive.

The University of Mount Olive is bringing a fresh, contemporary twist to its annual Christmas Show formerly known as Christmas by Candlelight. The new event dubbed, Christmas by Spotlight, will feature two performances on Friday, Dec. 1 at the Hazel Waters Assembly Hall located at 207 Wooten St. in Mount Olive.

“Christmas by Spotlight represents a departure from the classic choir robe performances of years past,” said Director Holly Rector. “UMO’s choirs are embracing a more modern show choir format for this year’s event, which will feature a fast-paced show-style production with lights, media, dancing, and sparkly outfits. While the heart of the content performed will be rooted in the Christmas story, the performance will be a captivating experience for all those that are in attendance.”

Christmas by Spotlight will feature the UMO Concert Choir, UMO Men’s and Women’s Show Choir, Carolina Sound, Carver and Brogden Elementary Honor’s Choir, Southern Wayne High School Chamber Choir, Rosewood High School Elite Large Vocal Ensemble, UMO Jazz and Percussion Ensemble, and a 125-member mass choir formed from all participating choirs and vocal ensembles.

The event is free and open to the public. The hour-long shows are set to begin at 6 and 8 p.m. For more information, email Director Holly Rector at

The University of Mount Olive is a private institution rooted in the liberal arts tradition with defining Christian values. The University was founded by the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists. For more information, visit