Although the Queen of the Fair Pageant was cancelled, queens were named. They included: Queen: Courtney Hobbs, WCC; first runner up: Ava Silver, Wayne Christian; second runner Up: Alyssa Britt, UMO; third runner up: Tytiana Newsome, CBA; and Kourtni Gerken Overall Talent Award: Courtney Hobbs.
US 117 in Dudley is ablaze in the bright lights of the midway once again, as the Wayne Regional Agriculture Fair gains steam after its first full week.
Amid the food, rides and exhibits are the many competitions held during the annual event, dubbed as the “Best 10 Days of Fall.”
The fun ends Saturday, Oct. 7, so committee members urge area residents to get out, travel down to Wayne County and enjoy the sites and sounds that are sure to get you in the mood for fall.
Listed below are the daily winners in an assortment of competitions.
Thursday, September 28 2023
Educational Booth Winners
Outdoor Landscape Design – Southern Wayne High School
Christmas Tree Decoration Contest: North George ECA
FCCLA Cupcake Wars: Spring Creek High School
Family & Consumer Sciences Community Booth: Literary Connections
Wayne Recycle Fair Contest:
Best of Show: Benjamin Kincaid, Goldsboro
LEGO Contest
Best of Show: Sam Cox, Goldsboro
Best of Shows
Prepared Foods: Lori Cross, Newton Grove
Apparel & Textiles: Vickie Tarlton, Goldsboro
Quilts: Sylvia Weaver, Grantham
Needlework: Carolyn Wegman, Goldsboro
Crafts: Betty Rose Sutton, Goldsboro
Art: Patricia Matthews, Fremont
Photography: Ian Slade, Wake Forest
Antiques: M.F. McCullen, Mt Olive
Bottle Collection: Greg Walker, Pikeville
Creative Celebration: Tracy Atkins, Pikeville
Scrapbooking:, Vickie Tarlton, Goldsboro
Food Conservation: Suzette Evans, Elm City
Three R’s (Reclaimed/Repurposed/Reused): Trina Sawyer, Goldsboro
Grand Champion Tobacco: Jason Pridgen, Nashville
Flower Show, Cut Flowers: Paula Deaver, Goldsboro
Flower Show, Container Grown Plants: Paulette Tart, Grantham
Artistic Design: Betty Rose Sutton, Goldsboro
Queen of the Fair Pageant – Cancelled
Queen: Courtney Hobbs, WCC
First Runner Up: Ava Silver, Wayne Christian
Second Runner Up: Alyssa Britt, UMO
Third Runner Up: Tytiana Newsome, CBA
Kourtni Gerken Overall Talent Award: Courtney Hobbs
Open Junior Market Hog Show:
Grand Champion: Mackenzie Cox
Reserve Grand Champion: Harley Barwick
Age 5-7: Harley Barwick
Age 8-11: Riley Balance
Age 12-14 MacKenzie Cox
Age 15-18: Travis Cox
Elementary Art Best of Grade
Kindergarten: Sabrina Monsour, Northwest Elementary
First Grade: Madelyn McNabb, Rosewood Elementary
Second Grade: Ximena Aguinaga Jaramillo, Tommy’s Rd Elementary
Third Grade: Aracely DeLeon, Brogden Primary
Fourth Grade: Ana Manuel Francisco, Brogden Primary
Fifth Grade: Kayla Lopez Luna, Eastern Wayne Elementary
Friday, September 29, 2023
Open Junior Meat Goat Show
Grand Champion: Kennedy Lee, Johnston County
Reserve Grand Champion: Hattie Jo Powell, Johnston County
Age 5-7: Brook Bright
Age 8-11: Edyn Tee
Age 12-14: Kennedy Lee
Age 15-18 Abby Gaskins
Math Competition
Large School:
1st Place: Roger Goodspeed & Katelyn Harrison, Spring Creek HS
2nd Place: Jake Coates & Isabel de la Rosa, Southern Wayne HS
3rd Place: James Wooten & Youdelie Bastien, Goldsboro HS
Small School:
1st Place: Johan Rodriguez Urguia & Jay Jaime, Wayne Early Middle College High School
2nd Place: Daniel Zou & Hunter Thornton, Wayne School of Engineering
3rd Place: James Benton & Paul Juarez, Wayne School of Technical Arts
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Open Junior Market Lamb Show
Grand Champion: Kendall Ayscue, Nash County
Reserve Champion: Hattie Jo Powell, Johnston County
Ages 5-7 Valerie Poole
Ages 8-11: Tenley Barbour
Ages 12-14: Kendall Ayscue
Ages 15-18 Hattie Jo Powell