The Faison Improvement Group is holding its first-ever, free movie night on Saturday, August 17, at the Anne Stroud Taylor Recreation and Wellness Center. Free hot dogs will be served at 6 p.m. The movie will begin at 7 p.m. (Faison Improvement Group|Courtesy photo)
FAISON — Free dinner and a movie — it doesn’t get much better than that.
On Saturday, August 17, residents of Faison and the surrounding community are invited to the Anne Stroud Taylor Recreation and Wellness Center for dinner at 6 p.m., followed by a showing of the movie Bolt at 7 p.m. Both dinner and the movie are provided courtesy of the Faison Improvement Group (FIG).
“Come on out for some good, old-fashioned family fun as we enjoy Disney’s Bolt and our time together as a community!” invites FIG’s Andrew Taylor.
“This event is free and open to everyone in the community,” he notes. “We envision this as a family-centered, back-to-school kickoff, although all members of the community are welcome.”
In addition to the evening being a back-to-school send-off for the kids, it’s also about making up for a previous, much-anticipated event that had to be canceled due to weather: the Faison Farmer’s Parade that was scheduled for March 23. In fact, that day was to have included not just a parade, but also vendors, a DJ, and a classic/antique car and tractor show. Much work had gone into planning the day and a lot of excitement had built up in the community — but threatening weather forced FIG to call it off.
Taylor says FIG members had been wanting to do something for the community to make up for cancellation of the parade, and the group purposely settled on something that wasn’t weather-dependent: hence, dinner and a movie.
Everyone entering the Rec Center will be given a red and blue ticket, which they’ll turn in at the kitchen to receive their free dinner — two hot dogs, a bag of chips, popcorn, and a drink (water or a soft drink).
After dinner, the movie will begin in the gym at 7. “We encourage children to bring blankets and pillows for the floor and bleachers,” Taylor notes. “We will also have a number of chairs available for those who need them.”
Bolt is a 2008 animated Disney film about a dog who stars in a television series and believes it is his real life. The main character, Bolt, is voiced by John Travolta, and Penny (Bolt’s owner) is voiced by Miley Cyrus.
During the evening, FIG will also be handing out small cards, requesting that people provide their names and email addresses. “FIG wishes to send out quarterly newsletters to inform people about what is going on in the community and what FIG is doing to improve Faison,” explains Taylor. “We will also have some donation jars sitting around in case anyone would like to donate to FIG and support our mission to improve the quality of life in Faison and the surrounding areas.”
Anyone with questions is asked to email FIG at FaisonImprovementGroup@gmail.com.
The Anne Stroud Taylor Recreation and Wellness Center is located at 184 Park Circle, Faison.