Not always going the way God wants you to go can be discouraging. You don’t want to admit it, but sometimes listening to God is painful. You want to listen to yourself, but always remember this, when you listen to you, you must bring you out. God says that when you don’t listen to Him, what this means is that He’s going to turn you over to your own deliverance and truthfully, you know you don’t have the POWER to get yourself out. To those of you who have been bitten by some unholy fiery serpent, God sent me to tell you that He’s about to give you the “Victory Over the Venom.”

Your life goes in the direction of the way you look. Whatever you are looking at right now, whatever you are focused on, you will get. Let me tell you why: Your subconscious does not understand the word “DON’T” or “NOT.” It doesn’t understand “NEGATIVE.” You were not built by God to be negative. So, when you say, “I don’t want” (you fill in the blank), the reason why you get it, is the mind doesn’t hear “DON’T,” all the subconscious hears is what you filled in the blank with and so the mind hears, “I WANT (fill in the blank). So, for example, if you were to repeatedly say, “I don’t want cancer, all the brain hears (subconsciously) is, “I want cancer.” The subconscious doesn’t calculate negativity. God didn’t build you to be a negative person. He built you to have hope everlasting, to have peace amid a storm, and to be content, whatever state you’re in. So, you must speak LIFE in order not to experience death. But for most of you, the only thing you can speak about is what you see. But what is FAITH? “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1 KJV).

If you want a positive experience, it doesn’t start with hope, it starts with SPEECH. You want to see, as opposed to the things you are seeing. You must speak positively, even though things are not the way you want them to be. People who speak positively all the time tend to irritate negative people. Negative people dislike this. They will tell you that you’re happy all the time, and you will say yes, asking them in turn, “Do you want me to be sad like you?” Because let’s face it, if you’re sad like them, who’s going to support you? You must encompass that thing that God gave you. Don’t let anybody wipe that smile off your face because it irritates them. You got to have an UNSPEAKBLE JOY!

Everything that we see Israel go through, they spoke it into existence. It wasn’t what God wanted for them it’s just that they could not control their language based on the STIMULI of the circumstances they were in. Now when we look at this scripture apart from Genesis Chapter 3 when Satan came in the garden as a serpent, this is the most famous snake in the Bible. Where do we see a snake for the first time? Adam and Eve are where? In the Garden. And a snake comes along and tells them what? You can eat of the fruit of the tree. So, God told them not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and Evil, and then the snake came, and said what to them? That’s not what God said! A snake in your life is not somebody who disagrees with you, it’s somebody who disagrees with God. And so, you must understand that the devil is going to send people in your life that contradicts what God told you. And he knows before the game starts that if he can get you to listen to the thing, or the person, or the mindset, or the stimuli that disagrees with God, then he’s going to back out of the garden because he understands that his consequences have already been given. Remember, the snake used to walk on legs, the Lord cursed him to his belly and to crawl in the dust. So, he has already received his punishment for his disagreement with God. So, the only thing that’s left to punish is YOU. And so, the devil is trying to get you off your feet like he got knocked off his. And he wants you crawling on your belly in the dust frustrated, when you have been built to have LIFE and to have life more abundant. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).

John 3:14-15 KJV

(Have you ever heard the story of the woman taking her pet snake to the vet)

You must be careful because see, some people will get close to you, and you’ll be talking about, “I got me a new friend, they just love me,” not knowing that like the ladies’ pet snake, that friend is just sizing you up, to find out how much effort it’s going to take to swallow you whole. And so, because of what the snake did in the garden, it cannot be redeemed. From the beginning of history, everybody has been taught not to like snakes, and here Jesus is, identifying with one. See, this is why you must be careful with the devil, because he will take the power from that which God created and have us demonizing a very thing that’s needed for our REDEMPTION. So, the reason why people wouldn’t look at the snake, is because they knew what the snake did in the garden, not recognizing that God was going to use the snake to get them out. Therefore, would you just stand still long enough for God to use your snakes? Every time someone comes into your life, you’re ready to cut the head off the serpent, you’re ready to get all the snakes out of your life not recognizing that God uses the snakes to get you to the next place.

The children of Israel for the last 40 years have been walking through this desert. They are just 90 days away from entering Canaan, but God, in His infinite wisdom, sends another detour because they thought after 40 years of wondering in this wilderness, after 40 years of going to church and tabernacle and praising God’s name, after 40 years of giving God their unadulterated worship, just as they feel they’re getting ready to receive a breakthrough, God gives them an additional detour. And how does He do it? They need to go to a place and through a place called Edom. So, Moses sends a letter ahead to the King of Edom and says, “We are about to go to the Promised Land. I have gotten these people through this stuff for the last 40 years. We’re getting ready to walk into the Promised Land. Sir, can you help us? If you will just let us, go through Edom, we can walk through your city and we can walk right into our Promise.” And the Bible says that the King of Edom says, “No.”

The King saying “No” only meant that this detour was part of God’s plan. God says, “You’re not getting IN anything that’s going to help you get to a shortcut.” God says, “I’m taking you the long way around because I’m trying to teach you to stop begging people to let you in where I never INVITED you to go.” Stop begging people folks. Stop begging them to let you in or to open their doors to you. It must mean that God is going to let you in without them. God says, “You must don’t know who you are because you keep begging folk to let you in the crowd, you keep trying to be friends with people who obviously have no affinity for you.” Sometimes God says, “I don’t want you to go through Edom because if I let you go through Edom, you’re going to have relationships with people who are not good for where you’re going. So sometimes, even though you’re close, you must go around it.” You must hit rock bottom at times, and God is going to allow this, because He says, “You can put a stake in the ground and really build something that will survive the earthquakes that your life will incur, or you can build something that will allow your life to fall apart in the mudslide.”

It takes patience to follow God’s plan. The reason you can’t RENEW your strength is because you won’t trust Him in the wilderness. God says He won’t put somebody with no faith in the Promised Land. And without FAITH, it’s hard to please God…difficult to please God. He knows how long you need to be in the wilderness and that’s until the wilderness is out of you. And the one thing God can do, is outwait you. Your time is limited. God is Eternal. God wants to be your sole supporter. Your sole source and until He empties you of everything, He’ll allow you to go through, Amen. Until next time folks!