Saturday, February 15, 2025

When it’s from the heart

If you are anything like me, you love receiving gifts, but the biggest thing shouldn’t be receiving, but giving. See, in II Corinthians 9:7 (NIV), it says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” This verse tells us concerning a cheerful giver that when it’s from the heart it should be voluntary, not forced, or feeling obligated. This matters to God. Why? Because “cheerful givers” give happily, with love unconditional, willingly, without expecting anything in return, and when the favor isn’t returned to them, they do not hold it against you or be like, “You remember when,” or “How ‘bout that time, so many times, “ or “Let’s not forget I was the one who done this or done that for you.” This is not God or Godly behavior. If a Christian or person reacts in this manner, this has now become a grudge; it has caused them to be under compulsion.

				                                When pruning muscadine grapevines, shoots from last year’s growth should be cut back to 2 to 3 buds. (Photo courtesy NC State Extension.)

February is time to prune muscadine grapevine

It is that time of the year again to begin many pruning chores in the landscape and garden. One of the major pruning chores includes pruning grapevines.

				                                Row covers or cold protection covers can be used to protect plants from late freeze events. (Photo courtesy NC State Extension)

Care for cold damaged plants

From lows in the teens to highs in the 70s almost a week later, the temperatures have been fluctuating already this winter. Changes in the weather like this can leave plants and gardeners confused and frustrated, especially when it happens over the next couple of months.

				                                Figs (Ficus carica ‘Brown Turkey’) are a good fruit tree choice because they are low maintenance with little pest problems. (Photo couresty of

Successfully grow fruit trees in your garden

With the start of the New Year, many of us have New Year resolutions to get healthy, lose weight, reduce stress, or start a new hobby. Gardening can be a way to accomplish many of these resolutions. With interest in growing one’s own food increasing in popularity over recent years, fruit trees are just one group of plants that can provide fresh fruit just outside your backdoor.

The stronger the storms the deeper the roots

I have encountered many storms, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and all three, depending, have been scary, yet there’s the spiritual storm that’s peaceful and serene. When I say that I have been through a spiritual storm, those were the battles of warfare, and they are indeed real folks. Amid all this though, I have learned that the stronger the storms the deeper the roots. Going through storms and surviving, only to come out on the other side unhurt and unharmed, leaves you stronger. If you have faced hard times in your life, abuse, been abandoned, felt hopeless and alone, or couldn’t figure out your left from your right, then you were in the middle of a storm. God said in John 14:27(NIV), “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This kind of peace that God speaks of is irrespective of whatever situation you find yourself in, because God quenches your every trouble, and He ensures that your storm is calmed. Does this mean another storm will never arise? No, but when it does, God is saying that the deeper your roots are in Him, you will forever be prepared when it does come.

With (What) are you feeding your mind daily?

So, we’re already seven days into the New Year, and already some of you have failed at standing by or keeping your New Year’s resolutions. It’s okay though, I am not here to pass judgment. And truthfully speaking, you should not be beating yourself up about it either. We all fall short in many things, especially God’s glory, but it’s the getting back up that makes you stronger. Last night you went to sleep without praying, without reading your Bible, without talking to God and telling Him what you are “thankful” for, without confessing and repenting of your sins, and without seeking forgiveness, yet, once again, God being the amazing and Great One that He is, still saw fit to breathe life into you today, and give you another chance at getting right what you didn’t yesterday or the day before, in order to do something way more different and out of character in His son’s name. It just begs the question, “With WHAT are you feeding your mind daily?”

				                                Early in the New Year, winter-flowering camellias (Camellia japonica) will begin displaying their beautiful blooms. Variety pictured is ‘Higo Ohkan.’ (Photo courtesy NC State Extension)

January gardening tips

As the holiday season is now behind us, many gardeners begin to dream of warm spring days when we can spend more time in our gardens. Take advantage of January to plan and prepare for the gardening season.

Neighbors shaped Jefferson’s views on liberty

RALEIGH — Before Thomas Jefferson died in 1826, he wrote his own epitaph. Did he mention any of his elected offices? No. Jefferson wanted only three accomplishments listed on his gravestone: author of the Declaration of Independence, founder of the University of Virginia, and author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.

The end is more important than the beginning

Here we are again folks, at the end of another year, 2023, and about to start anew, 2024.

When the Kat’s away…she says ‘good-bye’ to this column

I thought I’d like to write a weekly travel column, and I was right. I did like it. Writing this column for has been equal parts challenging and rewarding.